Finding time to draw with my child is something I look forward to.  This weekend my daughter delighted herself in writing and illustrating two little books.  She gathers paper and has me “bind” it with staples and off she goes to write and draw.  One little book was about tying her shoes and the other about the Powerpuff Girls – she’s 5 with diverse interests ;o).

She said that she wanted to be an author when she grew up.  I explained that she didn’t have to be a grown-up to an author, that she could be one now.  Her eyes lit up.  I showed her how we could take one of her books and create it online and have it printed into a real book.  She loved that idea!  I thought that I could collaborate with her and we could create something together and I could self publish on CreateSpace.

Later that evening while I was just browsing Google for like-minded moms I ran across the busy mockingbird.


Drawing For Kids ABusyMockingbirdBlog

 Collaborating with a 4-year Old | the busy mockingbird.


In her post about drawing with her daughter, she describes how excited she is to use a new sketchbook and her daughter quickly wants to join in and share it with her.  She allows her daughter to contribute to her drawings and together they create some really fantastic drawings.

The sketches are beautifully illustrated and you MUST go check them out on her blog.  When I first found her post she had over 300+ comments and as of now it’s over 700+.

That just goes to show you how important art is and especially art with children.

She alone is a FANTASTIC illustrator, but when combined with the adorable art created by her 4 year-old daughter, the illustrations are magical.  Can you tell I’m a big fan!  I commented that she must publish them in a book – as did about 50 other people.

I created this website to encourage art and drawing for children.  When I find other moms that are doing the same, I will definitely share them.
